Changed AD password, now knife vphere plugin fails

I use the knife vsphere plugin to clone VMware templates to new VMs with Chef. It has been working well for some time and I have created a lot of new VMs with it. Recently I changed my AD password, and now the knife vsphere plugin fails with any command I give it. For example:

$ knife vsphere hosts list
ERROR: RbVmomi::Fault: InvalidLogin: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.

I am using PKI keys instead of passwords in my knife.rb file. Here's the relevant contents of my knife.rb:

user_name = ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME']
node_name user_name
client_key "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/#{user_name}.pem"
validation_client_name "#{org_name}-validator"
validation_key "#{current_dir}/nonexist"

I tried generating a new client_key and replacing my username.pem file, but it still fails.

What am I missing?


You also need knife-vsphere specific credentials in your knife.rb for knife vsphere to work, and replacing your Chef credentials has no impact on the vSphere login info…

Nathan Clemons
DevOps Engineer
Moxie Cloud Services (MCS)

O +1.425.467.5075
M +1.360.861.6291
W www.gomoxie.com

Doh! How did I miss that?? It's been a while since I set this up, and I forgot about the whole

knife[:vsphere_host] = "< host >"
knife[:vsphere_user] = "< username >"
knife[:vsphere_pass] = "< password >"

section of knife.rb. If I had looked down the bottom of the file it would have been staring me in the face. Oh well. Thanks for the reminder. It's working now.
