Chef 14.7.17 Released!

Ohai Chefs!

We're happy to announce the release of Chef v14.7.17. This release comes with some great new resources for Windows users as well as improvements to many other resources.

New Resources


Use the windows_firewall_rule resource create or delete Windows Firewall rules.

See the windows_firewall_rule documentation for more information.

Thank you Schuberg Philis for transferring us the windows_firewall cookbook and to @Happycoil for porting it to chef-client with a significant refactoring.


Use the windows_share resource create or delete Windows file shares.

See the windows_share documentation for more information.


Use the windows_certificate resource add, remove, or verify certificates in the system or user certificate stores.

See the windows_certificate documentation for more information.

Updated Resources


The dmg_package resource has been refactored to improve idempotency and properly support accepting a DMG's EULA with the accept_eula property.


Kernel_module now only runs the initramfs update once per Chef run to greatly speed up chef-client runs when multiple kernel_module resources are used. Thank you @tomdoherty for this improvement.


The supports property once again allows passing supports data as an array. This matches the behavior present in Chef 12.


macOS support has been added to the timezone resource.


A regression in Chef 14.6’s windows_task resource which resulted in tasks being created with the "Run only when user is logged on" option being set when created with a specific user other than SYSTEM, has been resolved.

Get the Build

As always, you can download binaries directly from or by using the mixlib-install command line utility:

$ mixlib-install download chef -v 14.7.17

Alternatively, you can install Chef using one of the following command options:

# In Shell
$ curl | sudo bash -s -- -P chef -v 14.7.17

# In Windows Powershell
. { iwr -useb } | iex; install -project chef -version 14.7.17

If you want to give this version a spin in Test Kitchen, create or add the following to your kitchen.yml file:

  product_name: chef
  product_version: 14.7.17
