Chef 14.9.13 Released!

Hey Everyone,

We're happy to announce the release of Chef v14.9.13! This release includes a ton of updated resources, Ruby 2.6 support, and a fancy new InSpec release.

Updated Resources


On Windows hosts the group resource now supports setting the comment field via a new comment property.


Two issues that caused homebrew_cask to converge on each Chef run have been resolved. Thanks @jeroenj for this fix. Additionally the resource will no longer fail if the cask_name property is specified.


The homebrew_tap resource no longer fails if the tap_name property is specified.


The openssl_x509_request resource now property writes out the CSR file if the path property is specified. Thank you @cpjones for reporting this issue.


powershell_package_source now suppresses warnings which prevented properly loading the resource state, and resolves idempotency issues when both the name and source_name properties were specified. Thanks @Happycoil for this fix.


The sysctl resource now allows slashes in the key or block name. This allows keys such as net/ipv4/conf/ens256.401/rp_filter to be used with this resource.


Errors joining the domain are now properly suppressed from the console and logs if the sensitive property is set to true. Thanks @Happycoil for this improvement.


The delete action now longer fails if a certificate does not exist on the system. Additionally certificates with special characters in their passwords will no longer fail. Thank you for reporting this @chadmccune


The windows_printer resource no longer fails when creating or deleting a printer if the device_id property is specified.


Non-system users can now run tasks without a password being specified.

Minimal Ohai Improvements

The ohai init_package plugin is now included as part of the minimal_ohai plugins set, which allows resources such as timezone to continue to function if Chef is running with the minimal number of ohai plugins.

Ruby 2.6 Support

Chef 14.9 now supports Ruby 2.6.

InSpec 3.2.6

InSpec has been updated from 3.0.64 to 3.2.6 with improved resources for auditing. See the InSpec changelog for additional details on this new version.

powershell_exec Runtimes Bundled

The necessary VC++ runtimes for the powershell_exec helper are now bundled with Chef to prevent failures on hosts that lacked the runtimes.

Get the Build

As always, you can download binaries directly from or by using the mixlib-install command line utility:

$ mixlib-install download chef -v 14.9.13

Alternatively, you can install Chef using one of the following command options:

# In Shell
$ curl | sudo bash -s -- -P chef -v 14.9.13

# In Windows Powershell
. { iwr -useb } | iex; install -project chef -version 14.9.13

If you want to give this version a spin in Test Kitchen, create or add the following to your kitchen.yml file:

  product_name: chef
  product_version: 14.9.13
