We are delighted to announce release 1.8.85 of Chef Automate. The release is available for download from https://downloads.chef.io/automate.
Resolved Issues
- SSL certificates for rabbitmq can now be specified in the configuration.
- When deleting a project from Workflow that has dependencies a new error message is raised to indicate the necessary steps to resolve the issue.
- Filtering Nodes by Organization and Chef Server simultaneously now works correctly.
- Following detailed reviews the Compliance Profiles for CIS Redhat 7 Server, Redhat 6 Server, Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2 and 2016 have received numerous updates both to correct test logic and to bring these profiles closer to the benchmarks specified by CIS
- Please note that previously passing compliance runs may show legitimate failures once the updated profiles are in place due to more accurate testing methods now being used.