I’m getting the following error when trying to upgrade to Automate 2.0. Any ideas.
Where are behind a Proxy/Firewall for all internet access. The appropriate env has been set for
the Proxy.
Bootstrapping Habitat
Fetching Release Manifest
Creating hab user
Installing Habitat 0.58.0/20180629144346
Installing Habitat package hab-sup
Installing Habitat package hab-launcher
Installing Habitat systemd unit
Installing supplementary Habitat packages
Installing Habitat package automate-debug
Installing Habitat package rsync
Starting Habitat with systemd
Bootstrapping deployment-service on localhost
Configuring deployment-service
Installing deployment-service
Starting deployment-service
Waiting for deployment-service to be ready
Initializing connection to deployment-service
Applying Deployment Configuration
Unable to apply deployment configuration
Error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Release manifest not available
Error: Up**gradeError: An issue occurred during the upgrade: Migrating from A1 failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Release manifest not available**