Automate 2 version 20210116175706 Released!

We've temporarily pulled this release due to the identification of an issue that may be affecting a small subset of customers during the upgrade process. Once a fix for the issue has been developed, we'll push a new release. If you have already upgraded and chef-automate status shows healthy, then you are unaffected. However, if you've already upgraded to this release and are experiencing any issues, please contact Chef Support.

We are delighted to announce the availability of version 20210116175706 of Chef Automate 2.


  • We made Chef Automate more secure by moving the credentials from your user configuration into a secrets store (#4571):
    • Supports LDAP and MSAD bind passwords in the secrets field
    • You can pass secrets as environment variables
    • The terminal output from the config show command is secrets-free

Chef Product Versions

This release uses:

  • Chef Habitat version 1.6.181/20201030172917
  • Chef Habitat Builder version 8997/20200812161534
  • Chef Infra Server version 14.0.65/20201020065137
  • Chef InSpec version 4.23.4/20200909235900

View the package manifest for the latest release.

How to Upgrade

By default Chef Automate 2 will automatically upgrade to this new version. If you have disabled automatic upgrades you can manually initiate an upgrade by running:

chef-automate upgrade run

As always, we welcome your feedback and invite you to contact us directly or share your feedback online. Thanks for using Chef Automate 2!

We've temporarily pulled this release (20210116175706) due to the identification of an issue that may be affecting a small subset of customers during the upgrade process. Once a fix for the issue has been developed, we'll push a new release. If you have already upgraded and chef-automate status shows healthy, then you are unaffected. However, if you've already upgraded to this release and are experiencing any issues, please contact Chef Support.

The fix for this issue has been made available. If you were impacted, please run the following commands. If there are any concerns, you should reach out to Chef Support.

HAB_LICENSE="accept-no-persist" hab svc load chef/deployment-service/0.1.0/20210125154650 --force
sleep 10 // Wait at least 10 seconds
chef-automate upgrade run