Chef Automate DNS


finally got Chef Automate up and running and wanted to use DNS CNAME to access it...


the site loads and prompts for automate credentials ok but on login it errors with

: expected state "3pb6rU1pdD1PHw==" got "nVH0Al9frYKmmA=="

if you use it works ok

anything simple to fix this?

im not a linux guru just in case that sets expectations ... :slight_smile:

thanks in advance for anyone that can assist.


Hiya just checking in - no-one else has had this issue then?

Hi David-

Can't say I've ever seen that expected state line, but it wouldn't surprise me either. Can you confirm that this is happening in Automate 2, not Automate 1.x?

If yes, the root cause of the issue here might be that you need to configure Automate with whatever DNS name you're going to use to access the site.


Try putting in your CNAME as the value of that FQDN line and see if that fixes the issue.