This happend with chef-client. This is a cookbook form opscode. Why does
this happen of the first run? If I run chef-client again this all is well.
There are my overrides b my run_list override_attributes “chef_client” => {
“init_style” => “runit”, “interval” => “1000” }
Recipe: chef-client::runit_service
- service[chef-client] action restart[2013-11-01T10:06:25+00:00] INFO:
Processing service[chef-client] action restart (chef-client::runit_service
line 147)
Error executing action restart
on resource ‘service[chef-client]’
Expected process to exit with [0], but received ‘1’
---- Begin output of /usr/bin/chpst -u root /usr/bin/sv restart
/etc/service/chef-client ----
STDOUT: timeout: run: /etc/service/chef-client: (pid 22552) 9s, got TERM
---- End output of /usr/bin/chpst -u root /usr/bin/sv restart
/etc/service/chef-client ----
Ran /usr/bin/chpst -u root /usr/bin/sv restart /etc/service/chef-client
returned 1
Resource Declaration:
In /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/runit/definitions/runit_service.rb
147: service params[:name] do
148: control_cmd = node[:runit][:sv_bin]
149: if params[:owner]
150: control_cmd = "#{node[:runit][:chpst_bin]} -u #{params[:owner]}
151: end
152: provider Chef::Provider::Service::Init
Compiled Resource:
Declared in
/var/chef/cache/cookbooks/runit/definitions/runit_service.rb:147:in `block
in from_file’
service(“chef-client”) do
params {:directory=>"/etc/sv", :only_if=>false, :finish_script=>false,
:control=>[], :run_restart=>true, :active_directory=>"/etc/service",
:owner=>“root”, :group=>“root”, :template_name=>“chef-client”,
:log_template_name=>“chef-client”, :control_template_names=>{},
:finish_script_template_name=>“chef-client”, :start_command=>“start”,
:stop_command=>“stop”, :restart_command=>“restart”,
:status_command=>“status”, :options=>{}, :env=>{}, :name=>“chef-client”}
provider Chef::Provider::Service::Init
action [:nothing]
supports {:restart=>true, :status=>true}
retries 0
retry_delay 2
service_name "chef-client"
pattern "chef-client"
start_command "/usr/bin/chpst -u root /usr/bin/sv start
stop_command "/usr/bin/chpst -u root /usr/bin/sv stop
status_command "/usr/bin/chpst -u root /usr/bin/sv status
restart_command "/usr/bin/chpst -u root /usr/bin/sv restart
startup_type :automatic
cookbook_name "chef-client"
recipe_name "runit_service"
[2013-11-01T10:06:33+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[2013-11-01T10:06:33+00:00] ERROR: Creating JSON exception report
[2013-11-01T10:06:33+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2013-11-01T10:06:33+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to
Chef Client failed. 19 resources updated
[2013-11-01T10:06:33+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError:
Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)