Chef server does not provide the chef command, that comes from the ChefDK.
On the Chef server you can use the chef-server-ctl command (and chef-manage-ctl for Manage) to operate the server processes and do some administrative tasks.
If you’re unfamiliar with all of this, you might want to start with some of the tutorials to get familiar with running Chef DK and doing other tasks:
Correct. You can install ChefDK on the chef server node itself, that’s not a problem, btw. But managing content in chef isn’t done through the chef server tools, they’re more for managing access controls and services.
after installing chef
chef -v
chef generate cookbook test -cookbook -is not working ---show the below output
/opt/chef-workstation/embedded/bin/ruby: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory....