Chef http_request errors

I’m using Chef Solo to create a Jenkins CI server on an EC2 instance. I carry out a similar process with Chef and Vagrant with no problems, but when I try to run the cookbooks on EC2 I get the following problem:

FATAL: Zlib::BufError: http_request[HEAD] (chef-jenkins::default line 70) had an error: Zlib::BufError: buffer error

Essentially Jenkins installs ok, but when it tries to get the plugins listed in:


it fails with the above messages for each and every plugin.

I’m using: | Devops.

I’ve tried a simple wget on the EC2 instance on the same plugin url, and I do get the following error:

Connecting to||:443... connected.
ERROR: certificate common name `' doesn't match requested host name `'.
To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.

I don’t know if this is a temporary issue with Jenkins (i’ve had some problems before installing Jenkins using Chef due to problems at Jenkins end), or whether there is something wrong with the EC2 setup.

As ever, any help would be much appreciated.

…where is the Stackoverflow ‘devops’ tag by the way? Am I posting on the wrong Exchange… is it a developer or operations problem?