We are delighted to announce the availability of version 16.17.39 of Chef Infra Client.
Compliance Phase Improvements
Chef InSpec 4.52.9
Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.50.3 to 4.52.9 with the following updates:
New Features
- Added remote target support for Alpine Linux.
- Added the ability to specify a proxy as a parameter in the http resource.
- Added support for TLS 1.3 to the ssl resource.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an edge case in the service resource where InSpec may falsely detect services as enabled on FreeBSD if that service is the suffix of another enabled service.
- Fixed the ibmdb2_session resource so that it now correctly accepts queries with clauses.
- Fixed the oracledb_session resource to properly handle nil in the query output.
- Fixed the packages resource to correctly list only installed packages on Alpine Linux.
Get the Build
As always, you can download binaries directly from downloads.chef.io or by using the mixlib-install
command-line utility:
$ mixlib-install download chef -v 16.17.39
Alternatively, you can install Chef Infra Client using one of the following command options:
# In Shell
$ curl https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.sh | sudo bash -s -- -P chef -v 16.17.39
# In Windows Powershell
. { iwr -useb https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.ps1 } | iex