Chef InSpec 4.22.0 Released!

Hello InSpec friends!
We are delighted to announce the availability of version 4.22.0 of Chef InSpec. Changes include:

New Features

  • Chef InSpec reports the profile as "failed" instead of immediately terminating when a runtime error occurs during loading. (#5128)


  • The service resource features an update in preparation for the macOS Big Sur 11 release. (#5130)

Bug Fixes

  • The = character's presence in a CLI input no longer truncates the value passed to Chef InSpec. (#5135)
  • The apt resource skips unsupported apt-cdrom repositories when parsing lists. (#5138)

Get the Build

You can download binaries directly from

Note on docker images

We are working on pipeline improvements, which mean that this release has not yet been tagged as latest on docker hub. The docker image is available as chef/inspec:4.22.0