Chef InSpec 4.41.20 Released!

Hello InSpec friends!
We are delighted to announce the availability of version 4.41.20 of Chef InSpec. Changes include:


  • Added support for Alibaba Cloud Linux 3 to the Chef InSpec service resource. (#5578)
  • Replaced the WMI command-line (WMIC) utility in the Chef InSpec security_identifier resource with Common Information Model (CIM) cmdlets as the WMIC utility will be deprecated soon. (#5636)
  • Adjusted the exit code to Normal when attempting to install a plugin that is already installed. (#5625)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed range based filtering in filter tables (#5598)
  • Fixed an issue in the Chef InSpec apache_conf resource when the ServerRoot is not specified in the Apache configuration file. (#5601)
  • Fixed an issue when testing files with chef exec where the --insecure flag doesn't bypass SSL verification when downloading profiles over HTTPS. (#5600)
  • Fixed the inspec --chef-license=accept invocation to only show the license acceptance message and not show the InSpec CLI help command output. (#5609)
  • Fixed an error in the Chef InSpec postgres_session resource where the resource was unable to connect to a database. (#5619)
  • Fixed an error in the Chef InSpec apache_conf resource where it would overwrite any Apache configurations from the main Apache configuration file with configurations from any included configuration files. (#5623)
  • Updated the default branch from master to main in the Git URL for the inspec-aws repository, which is used when running inspec init. (#5637)
  • Updated the default branch from master to main in the inspec-gcp and inspec-azure repos. (#5642)
  • Fixed an error where the Chef InSpec security_policy resource returned a comma-separated string of local groups (rather than SIDs) instead of an array. (#5629)
  • Updated the git fetcher to handle profiles that have a default git branch that is not master. (#5638)
  • Fixed a regression related to processing tags in certain formats using the --tags CLI option. (#5643)
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