Chef InSpec 5.22.36 Released!

Hello InSpec friends!
We are delighted to announce the availability of version 5.22.36 of Chef InSpec. Changes include:

Bug Fixes

  • Overhauled the inspec check and inspec export commands to use the parser library to improve security. (6849)
  • Fixed the security_policy resource, which was returning an array instead of a string for single values. (6854)
  • Fixed the html2 reporter. The HTML output was improperly hiding controls when clicking checkboxes if a profile was inherited. (#6811)
  • Fixed the inspec json command, which failed to read CLI options properly. (#6814)
  • Fixed an issue with Chef Infra Client Compliance Phase in which the reporter integration was broken. (6860)

Get the Build

You can download binaries directly from Chef Downloads.