It seems there’s a small feature disparity currently between knife vsphere
and chef-provisioning-vsphere and I’m wondering if anyone using either of these has found a solution.
knife vsphere vm clone provides a --cplugin
option which allows one to use a custom script “that implements KnifeVspherePlugin.customize_clone_spec and/or KnifeVspherePlugin.reconfig_vm” which looks like this: https://gist.github.com/pcn/9696731
Does anyone know what capability, if any, is provided by the provisioning driver to do something similar?
It seems possible since both are using RbVmomi: https://github.com/CenturyLinkCloud/chef-provisioning-vsphere/blob/master/lib/chef/provisioning/vsphere_driver/clone_spec_builder.rb
Has anyone done this yet?