As you have probably seen, the Call for Presentations (CFP) for ChefConf is currently open. The CFP will be open until January 18 so now is the perfect time to get started working on your proposals.
We are looking for stories and demonstrations that are appropriate for all levels of technical experience. Share the story of how you got started or go deep into the internals and share the hack that you used to make things even more awesome! We’re looking for a diverse set of stories and a diverse group of presenters. Team up with your counterpart from the business and talk about the business outcomes you’re driving. Share your success, share your failures, share what you’ve learned!
When proposing, we’ll ask you which topic(s) best describe your talks. Options include:
- Infrastructure Automation
- Compliance Automation
- Application Automation
- People, Process, and Team
- Workflow and Continuous Delivery
- Visibility, Monitoring, and Insights
- Don’t label me!
You also have the opportunity to propose a speaker or topic on the ChefConf website. Who would you like to hear from? What topics interest you most?
Looking forward to your awesome suggestions.
Propose a presentation for ChefConf now.