Chefdk 0.5.0 problem with jmeter "compile_time" command

I’m testing chefdk 0.5.0 and noticed a problem with “jmeter”. ‘chef-solo’ now errors out on the ‘compile_time’ directive in recipe[jmeter::default]. The fix is trivial, just use ‘at_compile_time’. I’ve already published an issue at, but I strongly urge checking your cookbooks for ‘compile_time’ commands before deploying it broadly.

Nico Kadel-Garcia
Lead DevOps Engineer

On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 4:26 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

I'm testing chefdk 0.5.0 and noticed a problem with "jmeter". 'chef-solo' now errors out on the 'compile_time' directive in recipe[jmeter::default]. The fix is trivial, just use 'at_compile_time'. I've already published an issue at Change 'compile_time' to 'at_compile_time' for chefdk 0.5.0 compatibility · Issue #5 · johnbellone/jmeter-cookbook · GitHub, but I strongly urge checking your cookbooks for 'compile_time' commands before deploying it broadly.

Nico Kadel-Garcia
Lead DevOps Engineer (

This seems to be an issue with chef-sugar which isn’t part of ChefDK. Version 3.0 was released on March 17, so maybe you went ahead a major version somehow?

Daniel DeLeo