ChefDK 2.6.1 Released

Ohai Chefs!

We're happy to announce the release of ChefDK 2.6, including the latest version of Chef 13.

ChefDK 2.6.1 Release Notes

Chef 13.11.3

ChefDK now ships with Chef 13.11.3. See for more information on what's new.

Security Updates


LibArchive has been updated to 3.3.3 to fix CVE-2017-14501, CVE-2017-14502, CVE-2017-14503 and CVE-2017-14166.


OpenSSL has been updated to 1.0.2p to resolve CVE-2018-0732 and CVE-2018-0737.


Rubyzip has been updated to 1.2.2 to resolve CVE-2018-1000544.

Updated Components

  • chef-provisioning 2.7.1 -> 2.7.2
  • chef-provisioning-aws 3.0.2 -> 3.0.6
  • kitchen-google 1.4.0 -> 1.5.0
  • kitchen-inspec 0.23.1 -> 0.24.0
  • kitchen-vagrant 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
  • knife-ec2 0.18.2 -> 0.19.10
  • knife-google 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0
  • mixlib-install 3.11.2 -> 3.11.5

Please see the CHANGELOG for the complete list of changes.

Get the Build

As always, you can download binaries directly from or by using the mixlib-install :

$ mixlib-install download chef-dk -v 2.6.1

Alternatively, you can install Chef DK using one of the following command options:

# In Shell
$ curl | sudo bash -s -- -P chef-dk -v 2.6.1

# In Windows Powershell
. { iwr -useb } | iex; install -project chef-dk -version 2.6.1
