Client/server mismatch problem?


I’m a fairly new Chef user, and I have a basic question.

Are minor mismatches between chef-client versions and the server
version tolerable?

I’m trying to diagnose a cross-platform authentication issue, and the
people experiencing the problem are on OS X with chef-client 10.14.4,
whereas the server is 0.10.10, and my personal Ubuntu workstation is
10.12.0. The affected users are able to auth insofar as they can run
knife node list, but bootstrapping nodes is not possible.

Thanks for any guidance you might be able to provide.

Michael Della Bitta

18 East 41st Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10017-6271

Where Influence Isn’t a Game

Generally nodes running the same major version should work against a server
with the same major version. That's the bar we set, but there is not a test
suite that ensures this entire matrix.

On Sep 28, 2012 11:14 AM, "Michael Della Bitta" <> wrote:


I'm a fairly new Chef user, and I have a basic question.

Are minor mismatches between chef-client versions and the server
version tolerable?

I'm trying to diagnose a cross-platform authentication issue, and the
people experiencing the problem are on OS X with chef-client 10.14.4,
whereas the server is 0.10.10, and my personal Ubuntu workstation is
10.12.0. The affected users are able to auth insofar as they can run
knife node list, but bootstrapping nodes is not possible.

Thanks for any guidance you might be able to provide.

Michael Della Bitta

18 East 41st Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10017-6271

Where Influence Isn’t a Game