Ohai Chefs!
We’ve been ramping up our cookbook merging and cookbook releasing as of late. As part of the new process, we’ve been very particular about following semantic versioning, publishing changelogs, doing devodd releases to git, publishing release artifacts and git tags, and commenting on JIRA issues with merge and release versions.
To this end, I’m interested to see if you think there’s value in “announcing” bulk releases for cookbooks on this mailing list. Keep in mind that you will receive an email notification when a new version is pushed to the community site for a cookbook you “follow” and that this is only for Opscode-maintained cookbooks (i.e. the COOK project).
Feel free to reply to me directly or the entire list 
Happy cook(book)ing!
Seth Vargo
Solutions Engineer, Opscode
To this end, I’m interested to see if you think there’s value in
“announcing” bulk releases for cookbooks on this mailing list.
[ People browse the community site and follow cookbooks? ]
community_username "jblaine"
community_password "hofofweofhowehfowef"
follow_site_installed true
% knife cookbook site install foobar
...installed blah blah...
...Your account 'jblaine' at the Opscode Community Site now follows
cookbook 'foobar'
On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Seth Vargo sethvargo@opscode.com wrote:
We’ve been ramping up our cookbook merging and cookbook releasing as of
late. As part of the new process, we’ve been very particular about following
semantic versioning, publishing changelogs, doing devodd releases to git,
publishing release artifacts and git tags, and commenting on JIRA issues
with merge and release versions.
The changelogs look really nice and the process seems great! (While
waiting for the support for pre-release version numbers =))
One thing to improve would be to add some extra information what are
the breaking changes in case of a major version bumb. It is not always
easy to see without going through all the linked issues or diffs. For
example: Release v2.0.0 · sous-chefs/nginx · GitHub
To this end, I’m interested to see if you think there’s value in
“announcing” bulk releases for cookbooks on this mailing list.
I like them but could live without. So it depends how much work it
takes to send them.