Chef folks,
I have several RPMs that I’d like to deliver using cookbook_file, but I’m
finding that the RPMs aren’t getting copied to the target machine. Here’s
the relevant snippet of my recipe:
Install brisk RPMs
briskrpms = {
“libffi-3.0.9-1.el5.rf” => "x86_64.rpm ",
“jna-3.2.7-10.el5” => “x86_64.rpm”,
“brisk-libpig-0.8.3-2~beta2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
“brisk-libhive-0.7.0-2~beta2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
“brisk-libhadoop-0.20.203-2~beta2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
“brisk-libcassandra-0.8.1-2~beta2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
“brisk-full-1.0~beta2-2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
briskrpms.each_pair { |pkg, arch|
rpm = "#{pkg}.#{arch}"
tmprpm = “/tmp/#{rpm}”
cookbook_file tmprpm do
source rpm
mode 0755
owner "root"
group "root"
rpm_package pkg do
source tmprpm
I’m guessing this doesn’t work because the Chef compile phase doesn’t
figure out that my RPMs need to be copied. But I’m up in the air as to how I
should solve the problem.
Thanks in advance for the help,
Jeff Stroomer
Sorry for the false alarm - I just realized I glued a blank onto the end of one of my file names.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 3:29 PM
Subject: [chef] cookbook files not getting copied
Chef folks,
I have several RPMs that I’d like to deliver using cookbook_file, but I’m
finding that the RPMs aren’t getting copied to the target machine. Here’s
the relevant snippet of my recipe:
Install brisk RPMs
briskrpms = {
“libffi-3.0.9-1.el5.rf” => "x86_64.rpm ",
“jna-3.2.7-10.el5” => “x86_64.rpm”,
“brisk-libpig-0.8.3-2~beta2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
“brisk-libhive-0.7.0-2~beta2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
“brisk-libhadoop-0.20.203-2~beta2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
“brisk-libcassandra-0.8.1-2~beta2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
“brisk-full-1.0~beta2-2” => “noarch.el5.rpm”,
briskrpms.each_pair { |pkg, arch|
rpm = "#{pkg}.#{arch}"
tmprpm = “/tmp/#{rpm}”
cookbook_file tmprpm do
source rpm
mode 0755
owner "root"
group "root"
rpm_package pkg do
source tmprpm
I’m guessing this doesn’t work because the Chef compile phase doesn’t
figure out that my RPMs need to be copied. But I’m up in the air as to how I
should solve the problem.
Thanks in advance for the help,
Jeff Stroomer