Cookbook upload fails on sync host

I have a chef/knife problem
I have my mac successfully configured with chef, created a hosted chef account, downloaded the ssh key and the knife.rb file and placed into .chef.
I validated my configuration by running:
knife ssl check
and it is successful.
However, when I try to upload a cookbook to hosted chef I get the following error:
ERROR: Failed to authenticate to as githubchef with key /Users/loaner/Rally-Learn-Chef/.chef/githubchef-validator.pem
Response: Failed to authenticate as githubchef. Synchronize the clock on your host.
I’m currently residing in Sydney Australia, and I have set my macs timezone/time to Sydney time.
Is this causing this issue or is there something else going on?


as addition, I also have my production laptop with me with a prod chef setup and on that machine I can successfully upload a cookbook to the production hosted chef account

also, I run: sudo ntpdate -u to validate sync host time and now get the following error:
MacBook-Pro:.chef loaner$ knife node list
ERROR: Failed to authenticate to as githubchef with key /Users/loaner/Rally-Learn-Chef/.chef/githubchef-validator.pem
Response: Invalid signature for user or client 'githubchef’
Not sure why I would get this error since I used the ssl key and knife.rb from that user account

Have you added Chef server ssl certificated as trusted? you can give a try with ssl check and ssl fetch commands… it should work.