Cookbook upload

Hi, Iam unable to upload my cookbook
I have all my cookbook in c:\chef-cookbook
I guess some mistake in kinife.rb
Please advice

PS C:\chef-cookbook\iem> knife upload cookbook iem
ERROR: Attempt to use relative path 'cookbook' when current directory is outside the repository path.
ERROR: Current working directory is 'C:/chef-cookbook/iem'.
PS C:\chef-cookbook\iem> cat C:\.chef\knife.rb
# See for more information on knife configuration options

current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level                :info
log_location             STDOUT
node_name                "admin"
client_key               "#{current_dir}/admin.pem"
chef_server_url          ""
#cookbook_path            ["#{current_dir}/../chef-cookbook"]
cookbook_path            ["#{current_dir}/chef-cookbook"]
PS C:\chef-cookbook\iem> knife cookbook list
devtest   0.1.0
PS C:\chef-cookbook\iem> knife node list
PS C:\chef-cookbook\iem>

As per the knife.rb, your cookbook is under pwd/chef-cookbook. And you r inside your cookbook dir, iem.

There is no dir called, chef-cookbook in this present working directory.

U might have to go all the way to c:, to execute the cookbook upload

Same Problem when execute from c:\

PS C:> knife upload cookbook iem
ERROR: Attempt to use relative path ‘cookbook’ when current directory is outside the repository path.
ERROR: Current working directory is ‘C:/’.
PS C:> knife node list
PS C:>

@venkatraj Please try knife cookbook upload iem -o . from C:\chef-cookbook. It should work.