Cookstyle 5.8 released with 5 new Chef cops!

Hey folks,

Our weekly release of Cookstyle is now up on Rubygems with 5 new Chef cops and some improvements to existing cops.

New Chef Cops


The InvalidVersionMetadata cop detects cookbook metadata that specifies invalid cookbook versions. Chef Infra cookbook versions must be in the x.y.z format.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: No


The SimplifyPlatformMajorVersionCheck cop detects overly complex code for determing the major version of a platform using the node['platform_version'] attribute. The cop will detect the following methods for selecting the major version from node['platform_version']:


These will be autocorrected to node['platform_version'].to_i.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: Yes


The ChefSpecCoverageReport cop detects the usage of deprecated ChefSpec Coverage report functionality in your specs. This feature has been removed from ChefSpec as coverage reports encourage cookbook authors to write ineffective specs. Instead authors should focus on testing logic instead of achieving 100% code coverage.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: Yes


The ChefSpecLegacyRunner cop detects usage of the legacy ChefSpec::Runner class in ChefSpec unit tests. ChefSpec 4.1 (Oct 2014) and later require the use of either the ChefSpec::ServerRunner or ChefSpec::SoloRunner class.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: Yes


The UnnecessaryNameProperty cop detects resources that define a property with the name of :Name. All Chef Infra resources automatically receive a property of :Name so there's no need to define this.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: Yes

Other fixes and changes

  • ChefDeprecations/UserDeprecatedSupportsProperty now supports autocorrect
  • ChefDeprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined now detects use_inline_resources if respond_to?(:use_inline_resources)
  • CustomResourceWithAllowedActions now detects unnecessary actions in LWRPs as well
  • The docs at are now auto generated on each pull request merge
