Cookstyle 5.2 released with 12 new Chef cops!

Hey Everyone,

Cookstyle 5.2 is now available on Rubygems with 12 new Chef Cops to help you automatically clean up your existing Chef Infra cookbooks.

New Chef Cops


The InvalidPlatformMetadata cop detects invalid platform names in the supports metadata.rb method. It uses a hard-coded set of common typos so it can't detect all invalid platforms, but it does detect the most common mistakes found on the Supermarket.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True (deletes the occurrence)


The RespondToResourceName cop detects the usage of respond_to?(:resource_name) in resources to provide backwards compatibility. This respond_to? check is no longer necessary in Chef Infra Client 12.5+

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True (deletes the if respond_to? occurrence)


The RespondToProvides cop detects the usage of respond_to?(:provides) in providers to provide backwards compatibility. This respond_to? check is no longer necessary in Chef Infra Client 12+

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True (deletes the if respond_to? occurrence)


The RespondToInMetadata cop detects the usage of if respond_to?(:foo) to prevent newer metadata methods from running on Chef Infra Client versions older than 12.15. The chef-client doesn't fail when it encounters unknown metadata in Chef Infra Client versions 12.15.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True (deletes the if respond_to? occurrence)


The LongDescriptionMetadata cop detects usage of long_description in metadata.rb. Chef Infra and Supermarket never utilized the long_description metadata, but cookbooks commonly load their file into the metadata. This increases the size of metadata stored on Chef Infra Server without providing a clear benefit to users.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True (deletes the occurrence)


The CookbooksDependsOnSelf cop detects a cookbook that depends on itself in metadata.rb.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True


The MetadataMissingName cop detects a missing name field in the metadata.rb. Chef Infra Client 12+ requires the name field.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: False


The RequireRecipe cop detects the usage of require_recipe to include a recipe instead of include_recipe.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True


The InvalidLicenseString cop detects non-SPDX compliant license strings (or 'all rights reserved') in metadata.rb and autocorrects many common license typos.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True


The SetOrReturnInResources cop detects the usage of the set_or_return helper method in resources to create properties. Modern Chef Infra practice prefers using the property method because set_or_return lacks additional validation, reporting, and documentation functionality.


A resource property created using set_or_return:

  def severity(arg = nil)
      :severity, arg,
      :kind_of => String,
      :default => nil

The same property created using the resource DSL

  property :severity, String

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: False


The CustomResourceWithAttributes cop detects a custom resource that contains attributes. LWRPs and HWRPs contained attributes, but custom resources changed the name attribute to property to avoid confusion with traditional Chef Infra node attributes.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True (deletes the occurrence)


The CustomResourceWithAllowedActions cop detects a custom resource that uses the actions or allowed_actions methods. These methods were necessary when writing LWRPs and HWRPs, but are no longer necessary with custom resources.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: True (deletes the occurrence)

Other fixes and changes

  • Improves the configuration file to correctly verify LWRP/HWRP files
  • Enables several Chef/* cops in the config file
  • Enables Chef/UseBuildEssentialResource by default
  • Fixes Chef/NodeSetUnless and Chef/NodeSet to correctly autocorrect node.set in ChefSpec tests
