Cookstyle 6.2.5 released with 2 new Chef cops!

Hey everyone,

It's time for the weekly release of Cookstyle. This release brings an updated Rubocop engine, improvements for prepping cookbooks for new Chef Infra Client releases, and new cops.

2 New Cops


The ChefRedundantCode/UseCreateIfMissing cop detects file, cookbook_file, template, and remote_file resources that contain a not_if conditional check used to check that the file they manage is already present on disk. These complex conditionals can be removed by changing the action from :create to :create_if_missing.

Overly complex conditional check:

file '/etc/some/config' do
  content 'value = true'
  only_if { ::File.exist?('/etc/some/config') }

:create_if_missing action usage:

file '/etc/some/config' do
  content 'value = true'
  action :create_if_missing

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: Yes


The ChefStyle/NegatingOnlyIf cop detects resources that use an only_if to run Ruby code that is then negated using Ruby's logical NOT operator (!). This conditional will be autocorrected to use not_if without the operator instead.

only_if with negated ruby:

package 'legacy-sysv-deps' do
  only_if { !is_something_true? }

not_if without the negated ruby:

package 'legacy-sysv-deps' do
  not_if { is_something_true? }

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: Yes

RuboCop 0.81

The RuboCop engine that powers Cookstyle has been updated from 0.80.1 to 0.81.0 which includes a large number of fixes for bugs encountered during cookbook testing. This release also includes support for new Ruby syntax, introduced in Ruby 2.7, which will ship in Chef Infra Client 16.

Other Changes

  • The ChefCorrectness/IncorrectLibraryInjection no longer incorrectly autocorrects libraries that send to the Chef::DSL::Resource class.
  • TargetChefVersion support in the .rubocop.yml config has been added to five of the ChefDeprecation cops. This will make it easier to move from legacy versions of Chef Infra Client without jumping right to the latest releases.
