Hi Expert,
I am creating an aws vpc peering connection between 2 different aws accounts.
It's ok to create it from aws cli by specifying vpc_id, peer_vpc_id and peer_vpc_owner_id.
However if I try to use chef aws_vpc_peering_connection, I got:
Error: Chef failed to converge: aws_vpc_peering_connection[sharedservice_peering_connection] (no AWS object id) (provision::poc line 36) had an error: RuntimeError: Chef::Resource::AwsVpc[vpc-085c496d] does not exist! from file /Users/haoli/Downloads/my-chef-test-kwiwaonubnwuo9ck/cookbooks/provision/libraries/chef/provisioning/aws_driver/aws_resource.rb:129:in `get_aws_object'
Anybody has similiar issue and how to fix it?