I’m having trouble setting up users authorized keys. A cookbook that runs
earlier in the runlist sets up LDAP. However, due to reasons I don’t
understand, none of that user information is available during the chef run.
I previously posted about this once before. As a result, I can’t simply
create files and directories and use ‘owner’ and 'group.
I came up with the below idea. I’m iterating over the ssh keys in a data
bag and then for each user running a command as this user. That makes PAM
do all the home directory setup for me. I create the ~/.ssh directory in a
similar fashion, as the user. All works ok. However, I’m having an issue
with adding the array of ssh_keys pulled from the data bag to the users
authorized keys file.
include_recipe "slice-ldap"
bag = data_bag(“ssh-keys”)
for item in bag do
user = data_bag_item(‘ssh-keys’, item)
user_name = user[‘id’]
ssh_keys = user[‘ssh_keys’]
execute “create_home_#{user_name}” do
command "su - #{user_name} -c “ls”"
creates "/home/#{user_name}"
notifies :run, “execute[create_ssh_dir_#{user_name}]”, :immediately
execute “create_ssh_dir_#{user_name}” do
command "su - #{user_name} -c “mkdir /home/#{user_name}/.ssh”"
notifies :run, “execute[install_public_rsa_#{user_name}]”, :immediately
creates "/home/#{user_name}/.ssh"
ssh_keys.each_with_index do |k, index|
log "k = #{k}"
execute “install_public_rsa_#{user_name}” do
command "su - #{user_name} -c “echo ‘#{k}’ >>
action :nothing
However, I’m having an issue with adding the array of ssh_keys pulled from
the data bag to the users authorized keys file. The loop at the end does
this, but chef also gives me this warning:
==> default: [2015-01-26T22:23:47+00:00] WARN: Previous
block (2 levels) in from_file' ==> default: [2015-01-26T22:23:47+00:00] WARN: Current execute[install_public_rsa_doug]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/slice-ssh-keys/recipes/default.rb:38:in
block (2 levels) in from_file’
Apart from the warning, only the last ssh keys is being added to the
authorized_keys file. Even though I’m using echo and >>, the last one is
not there. The log statement shows each key, so I know the loop is
iterating over both. What gives?