I am running through the Chef document for installing chef delivery W/SSH. installation went fine but in the last step to validate installation i get the error as shown below while running “delivery init”.
not sure what i am missing . can anyone help or guide me ?
ubuntu@ip-15-0-0-20:~/workspace/delivery-truck$ delivery init
Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /home/ubuntu/workspace/delivery-truck
Is /home/ubuntu/workspace/delivery-truck a git repo? yes
Project delivery-truck already exists.
Creating and checking out add-delivery-config feature branch: done
Generating build cookbook skeleton
Using cached copy of build-cookbook generator "/home/ubuntu/.delivery/cache/generator-cookbooks/pcb"
Build-cookbook generated: “chef” “generate” “cookbook” “.delivery/build-cookbook” “-g” "/home/ubuntu/.delivery/cache/generator-cookbooks/pcb"
Adding and commiting build-cookbook: done
Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /home/ubuntu/workspace/delivery-truck
Review for change add-delivery-config targeted for pipeline master
Git command failed!
STDERR: Pushing to delivery
fatal: ‘delivery’ does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.