Drupal cookbook failed

Hello All,

I’m getting below error while running drupal cookbook, please help me to resolve this issue.

Running handlers:
[2014-11-06T12:25:00+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
Running handlers complete
[2014-11-06T12:25:00+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2014-11-06T12:25:00+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
Chef Client failed. 108 resources updated in 77.303445883 seconds
[2014-11-06T12:25:00+00:00] ERROR: execute[download-and-install-drupal] (drupal::default line 50) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received ‘1’
---- Begin output of /usr/local/drush/drush -y dl drupal-7.14 --destination=/var/www --drupal-project-rename=drupal && /usr/local/drush/drush -y site-install -r /var/www/drupal --account-name=admin --account-pass=drupaladmin --site-name=Drupal7 --db-url=mysql://drupal:‘s_nlJGXP8RN9WbIkX5zJ’@localhost/drupal ----
STDOUT: You are about to create a sites/default/files directory and create a sites/default/settings.php file and DROP all tables in your ‘drupal’ database. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Exception: PHP extensions: Disabled

Drupal requires you to enable the PHP extensions in the following list (see the system requirements page for more information):

  • dom
in install_verify_requirements() (line 756 of /var/www/drupal/includes/install.core.inc). STDERR: Project drupal (7.14) downloaded to /var/www/drupal. [success] Project drupal contains: [success] - 3 profiles: standard, minimal, testing - 4 themes: bartik, garland, seven, stark - 47 modules: trigger, dblog, openid, node, book, poll, image, color, field_ui, search, dashboard, overlay, statistics, locale, list, options, field_sql_storage, text, number, field, comment, shortcut, menu, tracker, file, help, rdf, contact, update, filter, contextual, user, php, syslog, toolbar, taxonomy, blog, aggregator, translation, profile, simpletest, path, forum, system, block, drupal_system_listing_compatible_test, drupal_system_listing_incompatible_test

No tables to drop. [ok]
Starting Drupal installation. This takes a few seconds … [ok]
WD php: Exception: PHP extensions: Disabled [error]

Drupal requires you to enable the PHP extensions in the following
list (see the system requirements page for more information):dom
in install_verify_requirements() (line 756 of
WD php: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already [warning]
sent by (output started at /usr/local/drush/includes/output.inc:37)
in drupal_send_headers() (line 1239 of
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]
---- End output of /usr/local/drush/drush -y dl drupal-7.14 --destination=/var/www --drupal-project-rename=drupal && /usr/local/drush/drush -y site-install -r /var/www/drupal --account-name=admin --account-pass=drupaladmin --site-name=Drupal7 --db-url=mysql://drupal:‘s_nlJGXP8RN9WbIkX5zJ’@localhost/drupal ----
Ran /usr/local/drush/drush -y dl drupal-7.14 --destination=/var/www --drupal-project-rename=drupal && /usr/local/drush/drush -y site-install -r /var/www/drupal --account-name=admin --account-pass=drupaladmin --site-name=Drupal7 --db-url=mysql://drupal:‘s_nlJGXP8RN9WbIkX5zJ’@localhost/drupal returned 1
[2014-11-06T12:25:00+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)
