Environment setup


I am new to chef and trying to set my learning environment following learn.chef.io. I have successfully install the CW Powershell for the workstation in my windows 10 system.

But below is the issue i am facing.

When I try to use any command with chef keyword example : chef generate cookbook cookbook_name then it does not working in the windows git bash but same do work in the CW powershell

Below is the screenshot for the reference. kindly guide me to setup git to be able to use the chef generate cookbook and other chef related command.

Note: i can use the test kitchen from git bash

chef git error


Why you don't use the CW powershell?

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Hi Frederik,

I love to use it but i am little comfortable with the git as it work like a linux terminal. and can use the commands like ll, ll -a etc to name few whereas in the CW Powershell i need to focus more over windows style of command line.

Hi Amit,

you can try to integrate chef by using the command

chef shell-init

But note that the only Windows shell officially supported and recommended by Chef is Powershell. Use Bash at your own risk (The ChefDK on Windows Survival Guide - Chef Blog | Chef)

Thank you so much! and i totally agree with you. as of now i am only trying this for the learning phase but later i will stick to the best practice :slightly_smiling_face: