Git sync (binary software folder)

Hi all,

We have a software folder (bunch of tools we are using) which we want to be saved in a git repo and distribute to all our servers.
We created a separated repo only for that project and we are using git sync in a receipt to pull the files from the repo to the local disk, we are also using git clean -fdx to remove new files/folder from the local disk.

The problem is this receipt will not sync changes to files on the local disk back to the repo which is the last piece to make this receipt work perfectly.

Any ideas?


Was able to resolve this with:

Revert modified files

execute “Git Purge” do
cwd “c:\Software”
command ‘git checkout -f’
action :run

Remove untracked files

execute “Git Purge” do
cwd “c:\Software”
command ‘git clean -fdx’
action :run