We are trying to upload some origin secrets in our private builder.
I have tried with the environment variables set (HAB_ORIGIN and HAB_AUTH_TOKEN) and with the CLI arguments (–origin and --auth).
hab origin secret upload TEST test returns that it successfully created it.
When I go to builder, I do not see it listed in our origin.
When I execute hab origin secrets list, I get a 500 error.
If I delete the secret with hab origin secrets delete TEST and go to list them again, the 500 error is gone.
Any ideas why this is happening? @Defilan and I have had this happen from both of our machines today.
Thanks for the report - the problem has been identified - it is a code issue, and a fix has been completed and will be deployed to the production builder shortly, and then will be promoted for the on-premise depot. Once that is done, upgrading the on-prem depot should fix the issue for your local users. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Thanks for the update. When should we be seeing the fix?
The fix has been promoted to prod, and should be in the on-prem-stable channel later today
We are not using the On-Prem builder. We are using a hosted private repo at https://bldr.habitat.sh. I just tried to upload a secret to our origin and it doesn’t seem to be fixed.
Ok, could you please post the error you are getting on upload? Is it still 500?
If you could do the upload with “RUST_LOG=debug …” prefix and post the log that would be helpful as well (but please remove the auth token that might make it into the debug log), Thanks.
Well… Now it seems to be working. I checked on multiple machines with different version of Habitat installed and it is working. I had recently (this morning) upgraded to 0.67 habitat but hadn’t tried the secret upload since then so I tried on a different machine that was on an older one and it is working there too.
I have the logs, but since it is working I don’t think they will be much value now.
Thank you.
Ok great, thanks for the update.