Habitat 0.22.1 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Habitat 0.22.1. As usual, we have a number of new features as well as bug fixes, so please read on for all the details. If you just want the binaries, head on over to our downloads page: https://www.habitat.sh/docs/get-habitat/ Thanks again for using Habitat!

##Updates to helpers: has_ is no more

The has_ helper has gone away in favor of syntax like:

{{~#eachAlive bind.backend.members as |member|}}
    server {{member.sys.ip}} {{member.sys.ip}}:{{member.cfg.port}}
    server {{sys.ip}} {{sys.ip}}:8080

which accomplishes the same objective. We only found a handful of core plans using the has_ syntax and we will be retrofitting those. #2257

##Add .first to svc and bind
This release adds the concept of a .first to the templating context for both svc and bind. As an example, bind.database.first should always point to the member of a service group that is the leader, if there is one. It points to the first member in your list if you have no leaders. #2252 [#2253] (https://github.com/habitat-sh/habitat/issues/2253) Consumers of a service group through svc or bind can access this. #2275

##New iterator of alive members with eachAlive
@first, @last, @index are now all available in eachAlive. @first will return true if a member is the first item in the iterator. @last will return true if a member is the last item in the iterator. @index will return the integer of the position that you are in within the iterator.

Features & Enhancements

Bug fixes

  • Inconsistency between sup load and status #2273
  • Fix PATH setting timing in the build program #2265
  • {{svc.group}} not just rendering the ‘group’ #2254
  • bind.database.first is missing #2252
  • Doc update: #2248
  • Doc Bug #2230
  • Service bind data does not contain service group members within the same supervisor #2150
  • [plan-build] Recompute PATH when using pkg\_version\(\) helper. #2286 (fnichol)
  • Pipe optional binds through to RenderContext #2284 (reset)
  • move user and group validation outside of service struct constructor so failed services can have persisted state #2279 (mwrock)
  • Fix /services/{svc}/{group}/config endpoint in http-gateway and add docs #2269 (reset)
  • Add leader and update\_leader fields to svc in rendering context #2251 (reset)

Merged pull requests:

Read the full change log on Github