Habitat 0.23.0 Released

We are very happy to announce the release of Habitat 0.23.0. As usual, we have a number of new features as well as bug fixes, so please read on for all the details. If you just want the binaries, head on over to our downloads page: https://www.habitat.sh/docs/get-habitat/ Thanks again for using Habitat!

Breaking Change: 0.23.0 Supervisors cannot communicate with earlier versions

As of today’s release, supervisors will be communicating system information (SysInfo) using protobuf. This change is necessary in order to allow multi-service supervisors to reliably gossip with one another. [#2314]

Please note: you will need to delete /hab/sup/default/data when you upgrade.


Support optional package bind validation

Optional package binds are now properly validated on service loading in the Supervisor. Any package bind provided that is not a required or an optional bind will correctly cause an error. #2294 #2284

Add configurable update frequency

Based on popular demand, users can now have their supervisors check for updates more frequently if their workflow requires it. #2316

This also adds better debug messaging when update workers die. The messages emitted when an update worker dies may raise a red flag in the mind of an observer when none is warranted. A dying update worker is a healthy milestone of the updater lifecycle. This is now a debug message to protect those sensitive to death. This also clearly states the old and new release versions. #2320

Features & Enhancements

  • [builder-web] Show build output from streaming logs #2183
  • [builder-web] Improve package search #2182
  • Update the acceptance environment with the latest builder service #2035
  • Streaming log output for Builder and long term storage on job complete #2024
  • configurable update strategy frequency and better update messaging #2320 (mwrock)
  • Address review comments on PR #2241 (Log streaming) #2319 (christophermaier)
  • Change JobSrv log-ingestion to 5568 from 5569 #2309 (reset)
  • Refactor Terraform module to support latest supervisor #2301 (reset)
  • Minor doc change to eachAlive sections #2293 (reset)
  • Add an endpoint for getting jobs from a project #2283 (christophermaier)
  • Logs! #2241 (christophermaier)

Bug fixes

  • sys.ip always reports (when 0.22.* and 0.21.0 supervisors are communicating) #2298
  • Census can report multiple members as leaders of their group #2297
  • Use protobuf to represent sys information in swim.Service proto #2314 (reset)
  • Reload config templates on package update #2313 (reset)
  • builder service plan bug fixes #2312 (reset)
  • fix updated package template rendering #2311 (mwrock)
  • Various plan fixes for builder-admin, builder-api, and builder-sessionsrv #2310 (reset)
  • Point to proper static directory in builder-proxy configs #2307 (reset)
  • Fix issue in worker plan not configuring to JobSrv #2302 (reset)
  • Remove leader / follower bit in CensusMember on every ElectionRumor #2296 (bodymindarts)
  • Export and quote PGPASSWORD in builder init hooks #2295 (reset)
  • [sup] Support optional package bind validation. #2294 (fnichol)
  • Disable password prompt in builder init hooks #2292 (reset)

Read the full changelog on Github