Habitat 0.25.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Habitat 0.25.0. We have a number of new features as well as bug fixes, so please read on for all the details. If you just want the binaries, head on over to our downloads page: https://www.habitat.sh/docs/get-habitat/ Thanks again for using Habitat!

#Features & Enhancements

  • Windows Supervisor into MVP: blog post with full details on how to use this will be published today!
  • The Habitat Supervisor and hab cli are now always using channels.
    – default channel will always be stable
    – new packages are always placed on unstable
    – users can auto-promote to stable on upload
  • New commands to manage packages
    hab pkg promote
    hab pkg demote #2675
    --channel flag allows you to specify a specific channel to pull from (defaults to stable if not specified)

Read the full Changelog on Github