I’m having some issues with core/dex. I’m trying to build the plan as it is, then export it to docker (for demo/testing purposes, not production usage). I noticed that the default value for service.port is 5556.
How I’m attempting to run this is:
$ git clone http://github.com/habitat-sh/core-plans
$ cd core-plans/dex
$ hab studio enter
(studio) $ build
(studio) $ hab pkg export docker ./results/<latest_build.hart>
(studio) $ exit
$ docker run -it -p 5556:5556 core/dex
The docker container appears to work find, however when I attempt to hit http://localhost:5556 in my browser, it returns with “404 Not Found” - is there an alternate url I should be navigating to to see this working?
+1, what @cnunciato said, as a first approximation. To see something more, you could use the example-app it ships (not core/dex, but the upstream project, via github.com/coreos/dex/cmd/example-app). to actually login, you’d need a client (example-app) and a (static) user set up in config.yml, along those lines: