Tutorial help - missing core/node

I’m working my way through the habitat tutorial here
After creating the plan.sh for mytutorialapp, the build step times out trying to install core/node.

I am able to wget the node tar file from within the habitat studio just fine. Do I need to install core/node manually somehow?

after doing some testing, everything in core/* fails to install for me.

hab-studio: Creating Studio at /hab/studios/src (default)
hab-studio: Importing <origin-name> secret origin key
» Importing origin key from standard input
★ Imported secret origin key <origin-name>-20160629185451.
hab-studio: Entering Studio at /hab/studios/src (default)
hab-studio: Exported: HAB_ORIGIN=<origin>
hab-studio: Exported: http_proxy=http://<host:port>
hab-studio: Exported: https_proxy=http://<host:port>

[1][default:/src:0]# build hab_tutorial
: Loading /src/hab_tutorial/plan.sh
mytutorialapp: Plan loaded
mytutorialapp: hab-plan-build setup
mytutorialapp: Using HAB_BIN=/hab/pkgs/core/hab/0.7.0/20160614230104/bin/hab for installs, signing, and hashing
mytutorialapp: Resolving dependencies
» Installing core/node
✗✗✗ timed out
mytutorialapp: WARN No installed packages of 'core/node' were found``

Transparent proxy support isn’t quite working in Habitat yet. We’re hoping to have a fix to the issue by next week.