How can we place condition on including recipe on run time while checking windows services on node

how can we place condition on including recipe on run time while checking windows services on node i did some poc. code is given below but things are not working. :frowning_face:

ruby_block ‘Include at run time’ do
block do

run_context.include_recipe ‘sqlserver::install’
#not_if 'sc #{service_name} | find “RUNNING”'
not_if 'sc query state= all | findstr /C:“SERVICE_NAME: #{service_name}”'

not_if ‘sc #{service_name} | find “RUNNING”’ = true
#sc query state= all | findstr /C:“SERVICE_NAME: MyService”


First develop and test your logic of detecting that target service is running , separately. Chef has shellout (Mixlib::Shellout) helpers to cleanly execute commands, or use proctable gem. You should search for windows specific libraries as well, I am not too familiar with them, but they might be safer and more elegant

require 'sys/proctable'

module ServiceDetector
  include Sys
  def is_running?{ |proc_struct|
        # detection code

Then move this logic to a dedicated module, lets say its ServiceDetector, and then include it in your chef recipe and use the method as guard clause

# inside recipe
extend ServiceDetector
file '/foo/bar' do
  not_if{ is_running?}

i tried to place a include recipe method with in a resource as you suggested and resource will skip if condition not met i tried in the same way but things are not working as before. code reference below-

ruby_block ‘Include at run time’ do
block do

run_context.include_recipe ‘sqlserver::install’

not_if 'sc query state= all | findstr /C:"SERVICE_NAME: #{service_name}"'
