Installing .msp (package) file using chef


I have tried installing .msp file using chef with following ways, but all failed. Any help on this will be appreciated please. I am able to install msi and exe, however, not msp. Following are the recipes used:

  1. windows_package 'c:\package\installer.msp' do
    installer_type :custom
    options /p

  2. windows_package 'c:\package\installer.msp' do
    installer_type :msp
    options :'/p'

  3. windows_package 'c:\package\installer.msp' do
    action :install
    options :/p

figured out this as below:

windows_package 'installer.msp' do
source 'c:\installer.msp'
installer_type :custom
action :install

We can put options "/q" for quite install above installer_type
