Invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) in template file

I’m trying to upload a template containing a sql dump: file.sql.erb

Since this is a sql dump, I cannot add the usual workaround to the top of the file

encoding: utf-8

My locale is set correctly:
$ locale

However, when I try to upload the cookbook, I get:

$ knife cookbook upload <cookbook_name>
Uploading <cookbook_name> [0.0.1]
FATAL: Erb template templates/default/file.sql.erb has a syntax error:
FATAL: -:75: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
FATAL: -:1: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
FATAL: -:1: syntax error, unexpected $end
FATAL: …hese brave men foughtd diedr freedom.\",\“audio\”:{…
FATAL: … ^

Please help.

Thank you.

Bruce Davis

On Wednesday, August 7, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Davis, Bruce wrote:

However, when I try to upload the cookbook, I get:

$ knife cookbook upload <cookbook_name>
Uploading <cookbook_name> [0.0.1]
FATAL: Erb template templates/default/file.sql.erb has a syntax error:
FATAL: -:75: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
FATAL: -:1: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
FATAL: -:1: syntax error, unexpected $end
FATAL: ...hese brave men foughtd diedr freedom.\",\"audio\":{...
FATAL: ... ^

The syntax check works by piping the output of erubis -X (extract ruby code) to ruby -c (ruby syntax check). It's not clear from the error which one of this is failing.

Some things you might be able to try:

Add this to your template:

<% #encoding: utf-8

Hack the syntax check by creating a script called erubis that higher precedence in the PATH than the real one.

I think the real solution to this is to add :env => {"LC_ALL" => nil} to the call to shell_out on this line:

You could probably monkey patch that in via your knife.rb (though if this solves your issue, please submit a proper patch, too).


Daniel DeLeo

I found a solution: upgrade Ruby to 2.0.0-p247 as it makes UTF-8 the default encoding.

I can now upload the cookbook with UTF-8 characters directly to our chef server:

$ knife cookbook upload test_cookbook
Uploading test cookbook [0.0.1]
Uploaded 1 cookbook.

Bruce Davis