Kitchen create: "Waiting for SSH service on localhost"


When I do a kitchen create default-ubuntu-1404, it appears to run through a series of steps but hangs on the following error message:
Waiting for SSH service on localhost:32770, retrying in 3 seconds
Waiting for SSH service on localhost:32770, retrying in 3 seconds
Waiting for SSH service on localhost:32770, retrying in 3 seconds
Waiting for SSH service on localhost:32770, retrying in 3 seconds
Waiting for SSH service on localhost:32770, retrying in 3 seconds
Waiting for SSH service on localhost:32770, retrying in 3 seconds

My .kitchen.yml file is very simple:
name: docker

  name: chef_zero

  - name: ubuntu-14.04

  - name: default
      - recipe[nginx::default]

I'm running the test/create on a aws ec2 with docker installed locally.

Any thoughts?

I've looked at a series of posts, but I'm having a hard time applying the fixes, or understanding what the root cause of the issue is. Here are some related posts: