Hi, all –
On a yak-shaving whim, I’ve gone and bundled up chef-server-slice
such that it can be run on Heroku:
If happen to give it a try, I’d love your ideas / feedback / patches.
Interested readers will note that:
Chef::Queue is stubbed out for now. So recipes that need search
won’t work. -
There are some monkey-patches in the project I’m hoping to
integrate back into Chef proper, most notably support for HTTP basic
authentication in Chef::REST. -
I’ve written my own OpenID::Store::CouchDB, as I had a little
difficulty with the one on github. (Though, if I understand http://
lists.opscode.com/sympa/arc/chef-dev/2009-06/msg00001.html, it’s got
a short lifetime of usefulness anyway.)
On a related note, since CouchDB isn’t available on Heroku, I’ve
written up a small Rails app that looks just enough like CouchDB to
get Chef to work:
Granted, this flies in the face of everything CouchDB stands for, but
it’s also a simple way to get a toy server up and running for my 3
Chef clients.
Patches welcome,
– Matthew