Knife bootstrap windows winrm -x Administrator -P demo69 -N

[root@chefworkstation chef-repo]# knife bootstrap windows winrm -x Administrator -P demo69 -N
Node exists, overwrite it? (Y/N) y
Client exists, overwrite it? (Y/N) y
Creating new client for
Creating new node for

Waiting for remote response before bootstrap.......ERROR: No response received from remote node after 2.04 minutes, giving up.
ERROR: Exception: Unable to parse authorization header. Headers: {"Cache-Control"=>"no-cache", "Pragma"=>"no-cache", "Content-Type"=>"text/html; charset=utf-8", "Proxy-Connection"=>"Keep-Alive", "Connection"=>"Keep-Alive", "Content-Length"=>"750"}

Network Error
Network Error (tcp_error)

A communication error occurred: "Connection refused"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.

For assistance, contact your network support team.
(503). ERROR: WinRM::WinRMHTTPTransportError: Unable to parse authorization header. Headers: {"Cache-Control"=>"no-cache", "Pragma"=>"no-cache", "Content-Type"=>"text/html; charset=utf-8", "Proxy-Connection"=>"Keep-Alive", "Connection"=>"Keep-Alive", "Content-Length"=>"750"} Body: Network Error
Network Error (tcp_error)

A communication error occurred: "Connection refused"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.

For assistance, contact your network support team.
(503). [root@chefworkstation chef-repo]#

is the winrm service running on the windows node and WinRM port 5985 open?
run this on the node to check if winrm is running.
C:\Users\administrator>Winrm quickconfig
run this to check if port is open: telnet IP PORT

The fact that the winrm request got any response at all and that response was not a valid winrm SOAP response usually indicates there is a proxy involved here. Try setting the environment variable HTTP_PROXY to http://<proxy server>:<proxy port>. You can also set this in your knife.rb’s http_proxy setting.

[root@chefworkstation chef-repo]# telnet 5985
Connected to (
Escape character is ‘^]’.

is it Ok?

yeah it looks like the port is open, what about the Winrm service, is it running?
log in to the windows machine and run this on the CMD
C:\Users\administrator>Winrm quickconfig
and as Matt suggested, do you have a proxy in between? if yes? than try setting the environment variable HTTP_PROXY to http://:. You can also set this in your knife.rb’s http_proxy setting.