I’m trying to use the knife-vsphere plugin to clone and bootstrap a node.
I’m running the following command:
knife vsphere --config ~/.chef/knife.rb vm clone NEWVM --template TEMPLATEVM --bootstrap --bootstrap-ipv4 --run-list 'recipe[base]' --cips dhcp --cvlan "VM Network" --ssh-user root --ssh-password mypassword
Which give me the following;
Cloning template TEMPLATEVM to new VM NEWVM
Finished creating virtual machine NEWVM
Powered on virtual machine NEWVM
Waiting for network interfaces to become available…
Waiting for a valid IPv4 address…
Waiting for sshd access to become available on
WARN: Failed to read the private key /etc/chef/client.pem: #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /etc/chef/client.pem>
ERROR: Your private key could not be loaded from /etc/chef/client.pem
Check your configuration file and ensure that your private key is readable
After that I can connect to and bootstrap the node just fine - but it should do this in the first command.
Any thoughts as to why it’s not working?