Mass patching from chef server

Suppose I have 1000 nodes and i want to perform oracle patching on these nodes in parallel.
What we do is we go on node and run chef client.
but is there any way that we run this from workstation or chef server so that all the 1000 nodes get patched at one go without our requirement to go on each and every node.


The best way to do is configuring Push-Jobs. Then you can run everything from workstation.

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You have to install push-jobs server in chef-server(linux) machine, and download the push-jobs cookbook from supermarket, make the changes and upload it to chef-server then run that cookbook in nodes(this will install push-jobs client in client machines). You can see the status of push-jobs client with knife node status command. From there you can use knife job start ‘cookbookname’ nodename command to run from workstation.

While trying to download cookbooks and then upload it to chef server, it is having some http server connection, which on running chef client connects to internet for downloading some other dependencies..

We cannot have http port open on all our servers.. what is the way to download all the cookbooks on the workstation and then upload it to server so that it does not connect to http://github or something else