The quorum functionality behaves like I think:
"The minimum number of nodes that match the search criteria, are
available, and acknowledge the job request."
What makes you think that specifying quorum of 50% causes the job to
be accepted by 100% of the nodes? I would assert that if 50% of the
nodes were unavailable and you specified 100%, the job would not
launch. If you specified 50%, the job would launch, but (likely)
potentially not run on 100% of machines.
Could you clarify? Are you suggesting that if a job is launched with
quorum of 50%, 100% of machines will run it , despite
their temporal unavailability?
In your opinion where does that recipe that runs the push_jobs
execute? A workstation? Some authorized God node?
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 4:48 AM, Cerny,Nathan Nathan.Cerny@cerner.com wrote:
I don’t think the quorum functionality behaves like you think. The quorum
essentially says “If at least X% is available, run on all”.
In my opinion, a better pattern here would be to create an orchestration
recipe that depends on the push_jobs cookbook (and thus gets access to the
push_jobs resource). Within that recipe, you would do a search to grab all
of your potential nodes, then loop over that resource N nodes at time (being
sure to set the parameter to wait for the job to finish before moving on).
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 1:40 AM, AJ Christensen
aj@junglistheavy.industries wrote:
You may be able to use the Quorum functionality to half-bake this [0]:
knife job start --quorum 90% 'chef-client' --search 'role:webapp'
The minimum number of nodes that match the search criteria, are
available, and acknowledge the job request. This can be expressed as a
percentage (e.g. 50%) or as an absolute number of nodes (e.g. 145).
Default value: 100%
I'd try values like 50% of your available foobars and see how it works
out for ya.
Good Luck!
[0] GitHub - chef-boneyard/knife-push: knife commands for Chef Push Jobs
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 8:56 AM, Bryan Baugher bjbq4d@gmail.com wrote:
Great, thanks for the links. Somehow google wasn't being helpful.
My use case is fairly simple. I want to run chef-client on my nodes in a
particular environment but I want to ensure that,
- I don't end up restarting all the services at once
- A bad config doesn't take out the whole service
The simplest version of this would just be to group the nodes into X
of groups and run chef-client one group at a time. Knife ssh has a
concurrency option which limits the number of ssh connections which
also achieve the same goal.
On Fri Nov 21 2014 at 1:45:45 PM AJ Christensen
aj@junglistheavy.industries wrote:
GitHub - chef-boneyard/omnibus-pushy: DEPRECATED: omnibus package builder for pushy
GitHub - chef-boneyard/oc-pushy-pedant: DEPRECATED: Opscode Pushy API test runner
GitHub - chef-boneyard/omnibus-push-jobs-client: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN MIGRATED TO OMNIBUS-CHEF!
GitHub - chef-boneyard/opscode-pushy-server: Chef Push Jobs Server
GitHub - chef-boneyard/opscode-pushy-simulator: Pushy client simulator
GitHub - chef-boneyard/pushy_common: Pushy common code
GitHub - chef-boneyard/knife-push: knife commands for Chef Push Jobs
GitHub - chef-boneyard/opscode-pushy-client: Client API for Pushy
Try searching through the issues, or logging an issue or feature
request or RFC. "don't run command X on all nodes at the same time"
sounds a little hard to implement. Do you mean mutually exclusive,
configurable contention, locking of commands?
Can you describe your use-case? An independent team of Chef operators
has been evaluating use cases and building tests/example cases for
Pushy and tools in the same field (our cases thus far have been around
Cassandra ring bootstrap, expansion and contraction)
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Bryan Baugher bjbq4d@gmail.com
Hello everyone,
Is the push jobs code available on github anywhere? Also are there
to add a kind of concurrency option (i.e. don't run command X on all
at the same time)?
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