New delivery cli packages available

Hi everyone,

We have a new cli release available for all supported platforms; see our online docs for info on how to install.

This new release fixes a few bugs and implements the ability to pull a build cookbook from an internal Supermarket. Below is information about setting your build cookbook source in a project’s config.json file.


Specifying a project’s build cookbook

The build_cookbook field of the config file is used to specify the build cookbook for the project. Build cookbooks can be fetched from four sources: local directory within the project, a git repository, a supermarket instance, or from a Delivery server.

From a local directory
"build_cookbook": {
“name”: “delivery_rust”,
“path”: “cookbooks/delivery_rust”

From a Git source
"build_cookbook": {
“name” : “delivery-truck”,
“git” : “”,
“branch”: “master”

From the Public Supermarket (
“build_cookbook”: {
“name”: “delivery-truck”,
“supermarket”: “true”

From a Private Supermarket
"build_cookbook": {
“name”: “delivery-truck”,
“supermarket”: “true”,
“site”: “

From a Chef Server
"build_cookbook": {
“name”: “delivery-truck”,
“server”: “true”