I upgraded a VM running Ubuntu to 18.04. It contains my Chef server. The Chef server version is currently 12.19.31. I am getting "502 Bad Gateway" responses on the web UI. It does not appear that port 9462 is open [ss -lntp|grep 9462
]. Also, the /etc/chef-manage directory that is supposed to contain the manage.rb does not exist. I attempted to run both:
chef-server-ctl reconfigure
chef-server-ctl install chef-manage
The first did not change anything. The second did not create the /etc/chef-manage directory. How do I create the /etc/chef-manage directory and a default manage.rb? This does not feel like something I should hand create. It is the manage.rb that specifies the port that the opscode-erchef service runs on, correct? Or is this a rabbit hole and the manage.rb has default values and is not needed? Thank you.