Node Registering Missing Nodes

Greetings Professionals,

Hi have registered like 250 nodes to chef automate server with the following below command and also i have removed the run list and recipe from the command list and it was sucessfully got registered now when im trying to register more nodes to chefserver "only register" i see a tab in the server as missing nodes .

can any one help me why is it showing as missing nodes and when i check with command knife node list i can see all the nodes registered to chef server few with normal ip : and few are shown with "-" append to that ex: -

knife bootstrap -i /opt/chef-ws/.chef/aticopprodkey.pem -x ec2-user --sudo -N

Does the knife client list give you a similar output in terms of numbers as the knife node list?

Also, how many clients are you licensed for?

i am not sure about the knife client list ( i did not check with the similar output as what i got with knife node list) coming to licensing part our organization is using AWS opswork for chef automate and the server we use is m4.2xlarge with 32gib memory for chef automate which can supports 200+ nodes…

Please guide me …


Supports = Specifications required to support X amount of clients, CPU/MEM
License = You get 25 nodes out of the box, then you have to pay to run more. Wondering if this is your issue? I am not familiar with running Chef on AWS. I use an internally hosted instance.

i have checked knife client list and knife node list they both show the same result but chef server shows different i have no idea why it is showing me as the missing nodes and also can you please help me on this command
knife search '.' --format=json >nodeinfo.json / i want this to be converted in to csv file but the size is very huge like 42mb and unable to convert this through 3party converters on web there any script or commands we can pull up these records in to a CSV file?


Which chef client are you using on the nodes ? Chef 12.16.42 or greater if required per

Nodes missing are nodes present in visibility (interface) base which are not available in the chef-server. this may happen with client version not supported by Automate as their name doesn’t get stored properly.

i am using Chef Client, version 12.18.31…
